I missed making a post last week and am going to try to get back on track! Things have been busy inside and outside of the Art room...we had our annual school auction a couple of weeks ago (the theme this year was
Masquerade...see the felt bird mask I made to wear to the event!) and I donated 2 "Teacher Treasures" with other teachers in the school.

The first treasure I did was a basketry class with the school Librarian. She is an expert basket weaver and is really fun to teach with! We set the limit for the class at 5 students so that we can give lots of individual attention. This year we had 2 second graders, 1 third grader, and 2 fifth graders (all girls) and they did a great job! We gathered in the Art room after school and I had the girls wash the tables with shaving cream (fun and it gets all of the gunk from oil pastels and glue off of the table in no time!) while I got the water basins for soaking the reeds ready. The Librarian brought all of the reeds and tools (and her expertise) and guided the class from measuring and cutting their own reeds all the way through finishing their rims. Very impressive! To make a beginner basket it takes about 3 hours and all of the girls ended the class with a unique basket to take home! The picture you see is the third grader weaving. She was so thrilled with the beautiful, hand dyed reed that our Librarian brought. She decided to use red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple (in rainbow order of course)!

For the second treasure, I always team up with one of our awesome first grade teachers and take 4 first graders out to lunch and to a performance at the Children's Theater (we have a great family at our school who donates the tickets and even lets us use their car [which has all of the necessary booster seats] to cart the excited kids around). This year we enjoyed
Annie. Now that the teacher treasures are over with I hope I will have more time!
Here is one more non-art-room project that I have been working on! My husband's cousin just had her first baby (a girl!) and I used freezer paper stenciling to make her a custom onesie (it is hard to tell in the photo, but I mixed the screen printing ink to match the green from the super cute BabyLegs I bought for her). Freezer paper stenciling has become a new hobby of mine - it is so fun! If you have never tried it, I highly recommend it!
Please stay tuned for more art projects from the Art room! I'll try to do a better job with posting consistently!
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